Home Mushroom Cultivation: an Online Course by Milkwood (2024)

Is this course self-paced? What time are the live sessions?

You'llget access to new on-demand lessons and resources every weekfor 8 weeks, together with the rest of your class. Take as long as you like to move through it all!

The live class Q&A sessions are held at a mix of times, to suit different timezones. These live sessions rotate every two weeks between the times: 9am, 12pm and 6pm AEST.

The 1:1 advice from our team is there for you via lesson comments, the student community, and the live Q&As.

You have lifetime access to all your course materials, personal mentorship,and to your community, too.

Can I use these skills anywhere in the world?

YES! Our course is designed to help you get started, wherever you might be in the world, with the fundamentals of low-waste, low-tech, organic Mushroom Cultivation.

If you live in an extreme climate, we can help youchoose the most suitable species to grow where you are - using the techniques your will learn in this course.

The good news is - species of fungi exist in the furthest reaches of this planet... from the icy poles to the bottom of the ocean, to outer space.So there will be edible mushroom species to suit your context,wherever you live.

How much time will the course take each week?

We recommend you set aside 1-2 hours a week to do this course, to get the most out of your learning experience.

The amount of time youspend actually 'doing the things' and cultivating mushrooms is in addition to this.

If you’d like to ‘grow along’ with us during the course, that's totally possible - we've planned the course that way, and we tell you what to get ingredients and such in readiness for the following week.

Or you might choose to complete all the lessons and start yourcultivation afterwards, in your own time.That's fine too.

What are the exact course start and finish dates?

Bookings forthe class of our Home Mushroom Cultivation course will openon6th May (we let the waitlist know first), andyour coursestarts 2 weeks later.

You'llreceive newlessons each week for 8 weeks, and ongoing access to your course materials.

Will I need to buy a bunch of equipment and supplies?

Our course is designed to cater for all budgets and scales of home mushroom cultivation.

You will need a few things, such as food-grade buckets and spray bottles - all of this is explained in detail in the course. Most of this can be repurposed from aroundyour house or local community.

You won't need to buy a pressure cooker or expensive lab equipment.

We recommend that you dopurchase some mushroom grain spawn to get you going. (Grain spawn is the living culture of the fungi that will produce mushrooms for you.) We will point you to a range of reputable online suppliers around the world who can send you high-qualitygrain spawn through the post, quick smart.

You will need to purchase a minimum of $100 worth of additional supplies - but, like any hobby, these costs can grow with your enthusiasm if you really getintoit! For example, if as part of your setup, you choose to buildan electronicallycontrolled mushroom fruiting chamber to increase your yields, we'll show you how to do that with equipment that costs less than $350.

However much you choose to commit, we will show you methods that will help you grow the most health-giving, organic, homegrown mushrooms you can - in the most cost-effective way.

Does the course have closed captions? (CC)

Yes, it does! All videos are fully captioned and the captions are searchable.

How does the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee work?

We'll do our best to make your course the best experience we can. However, it just might not be for you. That’s ok! If you decide that’s the case, let us knowwithin 30 days of your purchase and we’ll refund your payment.

Please note that the 30-day money-back guarantee applies for the online component of your purchase only. Books, postage or personal coaching calls that have already been supplied as part of the Fast-Forward option are non-refundable unless damaged or similar.

Do I need any special technology to access the course?

Nope! If you can view this page and the video on it, you can access the entire course just fine.

The course is delivered via our special course portal, web pages and email.

You can access your course hub and private community (which is not on facebook!) via any web browser on any laptop, PC, Mac, tablet or smart phone that is connected to a reasonable internet connection.

You don't need any other special applications or memberships to other platforms. You are not required to have a Facebook or Google account.

It's simple and easy.

Will I receive a certificate at the end of the course?

Yes, you will! We send you a Certificate of Completiononce youfinish the course.

Home Mushroom Cultivation: an Online Course by Milkwood (2024)


Home Mushroom Cultivation: an Online Course by Milkwood? ›

Mushroom cultivation can be profitable due to its low startup costs and the ability to produce a high yield in a small amount of space. Mushrooms also have a short time it takes to grow from spores to full size, with some types taking as little as 30 days.

How much do mushroom cultivators make? ›

Mushroom Grower Salary
Annual SalaryWeekly Pay
Top Earners$72,500$1,394
75th Percentile$52,000$1,000
25th Percentile$30,500$586

Can you make a living as a mushroom farmer? ›

Mushroom cultivation can be profitable due to its low startup costs and the ability to produce a high yield in a small amount of space. Mushrooms also have a short time it takes to grow from spores to full size, with some types taking as little as 30 days.

Is indoor mushroom farming profitable? ›

Since the crop cycle is generally short, it's possible to earn some solid, steady income in a small space. A farmer using an indoor bag system allows the production of around 25 pounds per year per square foot. Thus, depending on the size of the grow, mushroom farmers can make good money.

How do you become a mushroom cultivator? ›

How To Grow Mushrooms
  1. Order Your Spawn, Substrate and Materials. You'll need to get at least your spawn, substrate and bags to start growing mushrooms. ...
  2. Get Your Substrate Ready. ...
  3. Pack the Substrate and Spawn Into Grow Bags. ...
  4. Incubate Your Bags. ...
  5. Fruit Your Mushroom Bags. ...
  6. Harvest Your Mushrooms.

How much money can a small mushroom farm make? ›

You could make over $60,000 a year growing gourmet mushrooms for profit. If you have a few hours a week to spare and a growing area where you can control the temperature, humidity, and light, then you can be a successful grower.

Is mushroom farming difficult? ›

It can be overwhelming at first, but starting a mushroom farm is fairly simple. There are two options for starting your mushroom farm: indoor or outdoor. Indoor mushroom farming is the best option for serious year-round production.

How much do mushroom farms make per acre? ›

As a result of these opportunities, active mushroom growers report better profit potential for indoor production as compared to outdoors. They provided estimates of $1 to $3 per square foot net income, representing a potential $43,560 to $130,680 income per acre.

Is there a demand for mushroom farming? ›

Demand for mushrooms has been growing annually. In 2018, the global market for harvested mushrooms was an estimated 12.7 million tons, with projected growth to 20.8 million tons by 2026.

What is the easiest mushroom to sell? ›

Shiitake and oyster mushrooms are the best choice for small-scale production, since they don't require a lot of equipment and space. Shiitake mushrooms are often sold in grocery stores, health food stores, and farmers' markets and are also quite popular for their flavor and consistency.

How much does it cost to start a small mushroom farm? ›

The cost can range from $3,000 to $100,000, depending upon how advanced you plan to make your farm.

What is the easiest and most profitable mushroom to grow? ›

The easiest mushrooms to grow that are also the most profitable are shiitake and oyster. While you may feel tempted to grow more valuable and challenging varieties, you have to understand that these will require more time and resources.

How much do mushroom pickers make? ›

Mushroom Picker Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$38,500$19
75th Percentile$38,000$18
25th Percentile$32,000$15

How long does it take to cultivate mushroom? ›

Mushrooms are harvested by hand throughout a 16-35 day cycle.

What is a mushroom cultivator called? ›

Mushroom growers and other applied mycologists are immersed in the world of commerce and business.

How much does the mushroom industry make? ›

The global mushroom market size was estimated at USD 50.3 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 54.9 billion in 2022.

Is mushroom cultivation a business? ›

But for those who are still curious, mushroom cultivation can be a very profitable and sustainable business.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.